
Bailey Andrew


This is a slideshow!

Hello world!

  • You can make a slideshow for your blog!

  • To the left is an example header

title: "Slideshow"
description: "Aw yeah..."
author: "Bailey Andrew"
date: "Jan 27 2023"
draft: false
categories: [Blogging, Useful]
format: revealjs
print("And you can include code!")
And you can include code!

But wait!

  • I believe in you :)

  • So here are some tips:

    • Start code blocks with #| echo: true to display them

    • Figure out how to get rid of the pesky empty second slide

      • I couldn’t!

The full header

title: "Slideshow"
author: "Bailey Andrew"
date: "Jan 27 2023"
draft: false
categories: [Blogging, Useful]
        theme: night
        footer: "<a href=''>Click here to get back to the blog</a>"
        logo: "../../images/my-icon.png"