import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
How to make a Slitherlink level generator
How to make a Slitherlink level generator
Slitherlink is a fun logic puzzle played on a grid; a good website to try it is Krazydad, or if you have a tablet I would recommend the Slitherlink app by Conceptis.
Above is an in-progress example of a Slitherlink puzzle.
It has the following rules:
- If there is a number X in a cell, there must be exactly X filled-in edges around the number.
- All the filled-in edges in a puzzle must join together to form a single continuous loop.
A good Slitherlink puzzle comes with the guarantee that there is a unique solution. The above example has the solution:
From the perspective of a Slitherlink generator, every puzzle has two components:
- The solution
- The hints
Given a solution, it is trivial to fill the grid with maximal hints - some process could be used to then remove hints iteratively to increase the difficulty of the puzzle, if desired.
Even without such a process we would still have a valid, if easy, Slitherlink puzzle; thus we should focus on generating a solution first. Instead of trying to generate the loop itself, we can think of the loop as being the boundary between some shape and the outside of the grid.
As a first attempt, we will just generate a completely random ‘shape’. It will probably be disconnected and hence an invalid solution; this is just temporary to test the puzzle rendering.
conda install conda-forge::numpy=1.23.5
conda install conda-forge::matplotlib=3.6.2
def random_slitherlink(
"Two element tuple"
shape: -> "0/1 numpy array with shape `shape`":
) return np.random.randint(0, 2, shape)
= random_slitherlink((7, 7))
slither slither
array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]])
def display_slitherlink_solution(
"0/1 numpy array"
grid: -> "(fig, ax) tuple for plotted figure":
) = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
fig, ax
ax.imshow(grid)return (fig, ax)
Creating a good solution turns out to be a bit difficult, and I made some false starts. Sam had the good idea of including false pathways in his blog as expandable dropdowns, which I will steal. This way, people can still follow my thought process if desired, but false pathways do not distract from the flow of the true solution.
Attempt 1: Painting lines
My first idea was to choose a random cell, and draw a straight line at a random distance from it. Then, iteratively pick a random inside cell and create a new straight line (making sure to never intersect with an already created line).
I didn’t quite finish the code for it (still some bugs - it’s possible for it to cut the outside into multiple parts diagonally), but I abandoned the path because I wasn’t happy with it - I had the idea for my next attempt, based on surface area, since I think it would be more elegant.
def random_slitherlink(
"Two element tuple",
shape: int = 5
iters: -> "Boolean numpy array with shape `shape`":
) # Initialize
= np.zeros(shape).astype(bool)
# Maybe transpose it
= np.random.randint(2)
transposed if transposed:
= slither.T
# Pick a random column to slither from
slither[1, slither.shape[0]),
np.random.randint(slither.shape[= True
# Maybe flip it
if np.random.randint(2):
= slither[::-1]
# Un-transpose it to preserve shape
if transposed:
= slither.T
# Iteratively add slithers
for i in range(iters):
# Choose cell to expand
= (
np.random.choice(-1))[:, 0]
)= choice // shape[1]
row = choice % shape[1]
# Always expand in the direction with the most space
= np.argwhere(slither[row]).reshape(-1) - col
column_slithers = np.argwhere(slither[:, col]).reshape(-1) - row
row_slithers = column_slithers[column_slithers != 0]
column_slithers = row_slithers[row_slithers != 0]
= True
# Find the direction with the largest possible extension
if len(row_slithers) == 0:
= np.array([0, shape[0]]) - row
row_slithers if len(column_slithers) == 0:
= np.array([0, shape[1]]) - col
column_slithers if np.abs(row_slithers).min() < np.abs(column_slithers).min():
# More room to expand along columns
= True
along_columns else:
= False
# Flip the solution if along columns
if along_columns:
= slither.T
slither = column_slithers
row_slithers = row
temp = col
row = temp
# Left or right
# Check if smallest-in-magnitude negative number
# is larger than smallest-in-magnitude positive number
# and if so, go left
= np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0
left if len(row_slithers) > 0:
= -row_slithers[row_slithers <= 0]
neg_sliths = row_slithers[row_slithers >= 0]
if len(neg_sliths) > 0:
= neg_sliths.min()
max_left else:
= 0
if len(pos_sliths) > 0:
= pos_sliths.min()
max_right else:
= 0
if (max_left > max_right):
= True
left else:
= False
left else:
if along_columns:
= slither.T
slither continue
= max_left if left else max_right
= np.random.randint(0, max_slither)
offset if left:
-offset, col] = True
+offset, col] = True
# Reset the flipped solution
if along_columns:
= slither.T
return slither
display_slitherlink_solution(7, 10), iters=100)
My next idea was based on circumference - large slitherlinks look very crumpled, and so intuitively they should have a large circumference compared to their area. Imagine the following process:
- Start with the entire grid enclosed in one loop
- Pick a random cell to ‘fold’ inwards
- Only pick cells that can be folded without creating two loops
- Weight the random pick by cells that add the most edges
- Stop when we reach a prespecificed circumference-to-area ratio
This should, hopefully, produce random crumpled loops.
To elaborate on “only pick cells that won’t create two loops”, there are two scenarios we need to avoid:
|1| |1|_
|x| |x 1
|1| |1|‾
In neither scenario can we fold in the x - in the first, it cuts the loop in two, and in the second, it results in four edges at a corner:
The procedure I’ve described is conceptually simple, but it took quite a lot of code to implement 😅 There’re probably more elegant ways to program it
def get_neighbors(ck, shape):
= [
neighbors 0], ck[1]-1),
(ck[0], ck[1]+1),
(ck[0]-1, ck[1]),
(ck[0]+1, ck[1])
]= [
neighbors for neighbor in neighbors
neighbor if neighbor[0] >= 0
and neighbor[0] < shape[0]
and neighbor[1] >= 0
and neighbor[1] < shape[1]
]return neighbors
def get_neighbors_with_diags(ck, shape):
= [
(0]-1, ck[1]-1),
(0], ck[1]-1),
(ck[0]-1, ck[1])
(0]-1, ck[1]+1),
(0], ck[1]+1),
(ck[0]-1, ck[1])
(0]+1, ck[1]-1),
(0], ck[1]-1),
(ck[0]+1, ck[1])
(0]+1, ck[1]+1),
(0], ck[1]+1),
(ck[0]+1, ck[1])
]def valid(neigh, shape):
return (
0] >= 0
neigh[and neigh[0] < shape[0]
and neigh[1] >= 0
and neigh[1] < shape[1]
= [
neighbors for (dia, (neigh1, neigh2)) in neighbors
(dia, (neigh1, neigh2)) if valid(neigh1, shape) and valid(neigh2, shape)
]return neighbors
def border_cell_is_valid(
int, int), int),
border_cell: (("0/1 numpy array with 1s being inside cells",
solution: bool = False
verbose: -> bool:
) # Since as things change places that used to be border cells
# are no longer border cells, we should return False if
# it is no longer inside the loop
= border_cell[0]
cell = solution.shape
shape if solution[cell] == 0:
if verbose: print("empty")
return False
# Can't fold inwards if one of the new corners
# borders an empty cell
# I.e. can't be diagonally adjacent from an empty cell unless
# there is an empty cell already between them.
for dia, (neigh1, neigh2) in \
get_neighbors_with_diags(cell, shape):
if solution[dia] == 0:
if solution[neigh1] == 1 and solution[neigh2] == 1:
if verbose: print("dia")
return False
# Can't fold inwards if like:
# 0 1 0
# 0 * 0
# 0 1 0
# Note: if I remove the last two conditions from the following if statements,
# then it is the start of a nurikabe generator!
if (
# Above is a 0
0]-1 < 0 or solution[cell[0]-1, cell[1]] == 0)
(cell[# Below is a 0
and (cell[0]+1 >= shape[0] or solution[cell[0]+1, cell[1]] == 0)
# Left is a 1
and (cell[1]-1 >= 0 and solution[cell[0], cell[1]-1] == 1)
# Right is a 1
and (cell[1]+1 < shape[1] and solution[cell[0], cell[1]+1] == 1)
):if verbose: print("pinch ab")
return False
if (
# Left is a 0
1]-1 < 0 or solution[cell[0], cell[1]-1] == 0)
(cell[# Right is a zero
and (cell[1]+1 >= shape[1] or solution[cell[0], cell[1]+1] == 0)
# Above is a 1
and (cell[0]-1 >= 0 and solution[cell[0]-1, cell[1]] == 1)
# Below is a 1
and (cell[0]+1 < shape[0] and solution[cell[0]+1, cell[1]] == 1)
):if verbose: print("pinch lr")
return False
# Can't be valid to remove if it has no inside adjacents
# This shouldn't trigger except in trivial cases
if border_cell[1] == 0:
return False
return True
def random_slitherlink(
"height", "width"),
shape: (float = 2,
target_ratio: float = 0.5
area_ratio: -> "0/1 numpy array with shape `shape`":
# Initialize to full loop
= np.ones(shape)
# Get all cells bordering
dict, "(x, y): # outside cells it borders")
border_cells: (= set(
border_cells 0, j) for j in range(shape[1])]
[(+ [(shape[0]-1, j) for j in range(shape[1])]
+ [(i, 0) for i in range(shape[0])]
+ [(i, shape[1]-1) for i in range(shape[0])]
)= {
border_cells 3
cell: for cell in border_cells
}0, 0)] = 2
border_cells[(0]-1, 0)] = 2
border_cells[(shape[0, shape[1]-1)] = 2
border_cells[(0]-1, shape[1]-1)] = 2
border_cells[(shape[= sum(border_cells.values())
# Initialize circ-area ratio
= 2 * (shape[0] + shape[1])
circumference = shape[0] * shape[1]
max_area = max_area
area = circumference / area
while circ_area_ratio < target_ratio and area / max_area > area_ratio:
# Pick a random border_cell, by weight
= {
key: valuefor key, value in border_cells.items()
if border_cell_is_valid((key, value), solution)
}= sum(border_cells_by_weight.values())
total_weight = {
border_cells_by_weight / total_weight
key: value for key, value in border_cells_by_weight.items()
}if len(border_cells_by_weight) == 0:
print("Out of valid cells to remove")
= np.random.random()
rando "The cell to fold in on itself" = None
chosen_key: for key, value in border_cells_by_weight.items():
-= value
rando if rando <= 0:
= key
chosen_key break
if chosen_key is None:
raise Exception("No key chosen")
if solution[chosen_key] == 0:
raise Exception("Cell removed twice")
= 0
solution[chosen_key] = border_cells[chosen_key]
# Update neighbors
= get_neighbors(chosen_key, shape)
# Every adjacent cell should loose 1 from its value
for neighbor in neighbors:
if neighbor not in border_cells:
= get_neighbors(neighbor, shape)
neigh_neighbors = sum(
solution[neigh_neighbor]for neigh_neighbor in neigh_neighbors
-= 1
# Update values for the next loop
+= inner_neighbors
circumference -= 1
area = circumference / area
return solution
display_slitherlink_solution(:= random_slitherlink(
slitherlink 7, 7),
(= 3.5
) )
(<Figure size 600x600 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot: >)
And it seems to have worked quite well! Now we just need the clues. Calculating the amount of adjacent cells is like a convolution (as in a layer from a CNN). To keep the environment minimal, I won’t import anything beyond NumPy; I’ll just code it myself.
def get_clues_from_solution(solution):
= np.pad(solution[:, 1:], ((0, 0), (0, 1)), constant_values=0)
right = np.pad(solution[:, :-1], ((0, 0), (1, 0)), constant_values=0)
left = np.pad(solution[1:, :], ((0, 1), (0, 0)), constant_values=0)
down = np.pad(solution[:-1, :], ((1, 0), (0, 0)), constant_values=0)
up = (left + right + up + down)
# For outside cells, borders are other way round
== 1] = 4 - clues[solution == 1]
clues[solution return clues
def display_slitherlink_clues(
"0/1 numpy array"
solution: -> "(fig, ax) tuple for plotted figure":
) = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
fig, ax = solution.shape
shape = get_clues_from_solution(solution)
ax.imshow(solution)for i in range(shape[0]):
for j in range(shape[1]):
= ax.text(j, i, int(grid[i, j]),
text ="center", va="center", color="gray")
hareturn (fig, ax)